Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hi-ho, Hi-ho is off to work we go....

So I have been super busy these days.....
It's A New Year....It's a new day!
For starters I was hired back full time at my old Job with TK Anderson Designs, as a bench jeweler and designer (this is a good thing-thus far). Unfortunately it is take most of my creative time, but I have managed to make a few magnificent pieces, (here and there...)! I will be posting photos and stories this week. I have also decided to start blogging about some of the funny stories I hear at the store it can be like working at a salon, and some of my own stories....
So.....I have started the year off right so far.
I started with a 5 day cleanse and it was GREAT. If you ever feel the need to do a cleanse I would highly recommend the Master Cleanse. It is like pushing a reset button. You are suppose to do it for 10 days, but I had a goal of 5. I had so much energy!! Derek was saying I was like a 10 year old, (I have very high energy levels to begin with). Secondly wake up at 6:30 for gym, emails, errands or blog before work....so far so good, and I feel great! Thirdly stay motivated, healthy and prepared. Derek says to me on New Years Eve "In order to succeed you must prepare t0 succeed...." I thought this to be true..... PREPARATION!
Stay tuned for some pretties and some stories!
Love and Laughter,
Chelsea BEE

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the new Pretties! Glad you are back on the blogroll!
