Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sweet jodi

So a friend of mine that went to Savannah College of Art and Design with me came in town a few weeks ago and took some really great pictures of my daughter Jodi.
She is the sweetest 3 legged lab Dalmatian you will EV ER met.
You can check out his website
I love this picture she looks so regal.

Jodi loves Craft time.

If anyone has ever had a Tasty Kake then you know how hard it is to find them down south. Thank you Casey for the awsome pictures of Jodi and the Tasty Kake!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I will except that she's the sweetest three legged dalmatian lab that you will ever meet but have you ever met my four legged dalmatian lab? Play date!!! ;)

  3. yes play date! We like to take her to the greenway. She is sometimes snobby when other dogs they may still her attention are at HER house (only child).
