Friday, May 29, 2009

Ten beautiful maids

Well I am very disappointed in myself because I totally forgot to take a photo of the actual bridesmaids wearing the earrings. They looked amazing and everyone loved them. I am hoping I can find a photo from the brides photographer when she get hers photos. These are the photos I had taken prior to giving to them to the bride. At any rate they were a hit!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Calder inspired jewelry

Here is some jewelry that I have designed after one of my favorite artist, Alexander Calder. I am sure I have probably mentioned his name before. I have always had an a obsession with swirls, drawing them all over the front of notebooks and doodling them will chatting on the phone. I will defiantly be venturing into this more. This is just the beginning. All of these were made by shaping, forming, bending, hammering and polishing different sizes of silver wire.

These are earring jackets. You can wear them with the studs that I made or put them with any stud earrings you have...pearls or diamonds work too. I love mine with my diamond studs.
I think they would be gorgeous in yellow gold

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Painting

I meet a really sweet and talented painter at the craft show. She fell in love with my button necklaces and I loved her paintings, particularly the one below. So we decided to do a swap! I wanted to share this talented girl with you all.
Her name in Celan Hardman.
Check out her website she is amazing!
I am a sucker for fish and water painting, being a Pisces.
I also love mixed media art as well. It is 20x16, now I just need a beautiful frame.
I love how she incorporated these maps in the sky.

Here she used silk in the waves.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Picture Day

So I have been taking picture for two days now. It always seems to be a race with the sun, I don't have a light box or a fancy camera (older cannon power shot). I am really wanting a new camera, but mine will have to do until it dies.
These bracelets are made from leather scraps from Masada leather in downtown Athens.
This one my favorite.

More photos to come.....

Energy flows where attention goes...

Quote my sister Jenna gave me to reflect on. She is a very a strong and determined woman. I was feeling the need to maintain the positive energy flow.
"I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy. Energy flows where attention goes."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sweet jodi

So a friend of mine that went to Savannah College of Art and Design with me came in town a few weeks ago and took some really great pictures of my daughter Jodi.
She is the sweetest 3 legged lab Dalmatian you will EV ER met.
You can check out his website
I love this picture she looks so regal.

Jodi loves Craft time.

If anyone has ever had a Tasty Kake then you know how hard it is to find them down south. Thank you Casey for the awsome pictures of Jodi and the Tasty Kake!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Athens Indie Craftstravaganzaa

So it has been a while since I have last blogged.
I had been busy making lots of jewelry for my first craft fair! I went into this with really no expectations. I feel it turned out to be a success considering it did rain 50% of Saturday. Luckily I had this umbrella to protect me from the rain and brought a tarp to cover my table. So needless to say my table was under a blue tarp half of the day. It was quite crazy for a little while the wind was strong and the rain was hard.
I am considering this a learning experience. I survived the wind and the rain. AND.... i actually made profit (and made some great swaps!)

This is my set up for Day 1.

I have to thank my amazing friend Lyndy Woods for helping me
make all the mossed pots! They were a hit!

Tie cuffs and leather cuffs in an old cigar box.

This was my set up for Day 2.
We all seriously anticipated rain in the morning and boy was it windy.
I decided to downsize and consolidate, this seemed to be the plan of most crafters that day.

So yay for my first successful craft show.
It was great fun and enjoyed meeting lots of new friends.
And now it's time to find another!